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Thursday, February 21, 2013

LA Design Challenge Entries for 2013

One of the best parts about visiting the LA Autoshow is the LA Design Challenge. The LA DC is open exclusively to OEM studios in and around LA. In the past the Challenge has proposed such illustrious entries as the Smart Parkour Concept, Smart 454 Concept, Mercedes Biome Concept etc. Smart has been winning the Challenge for the last two years. Here are the entries for this years LA DC.

This year's theme had participants envisioning how a Highway Patrol Vehicle for 2030 would look like. Participants came up not only with highly futuristic forms, but also some truly innovative features like automated drones, amphibious vehicles etc. Here are the entries.

BMW E-Patrol Concept


Honda Drone Squad

Mercedes Benz Ener G Force Concept

Subaru SHARC Concept

Honda (Tokyo) CHiP Concept